
Clubhouse Paint, Slimy Edition

As water bead week continues here at the Clubhouse it was inevitable that this week's new paint recipe be...

some water beads, and some liquid washable tempera paint.

Mix it all together, and let them dive in.

Mixing the colors was fun. Everyone wanted to have a turn squirting the paint and mixing the color with the beads.

When it came time to dive in though, we had some pretty mixed reactions.

"Ewww, this is so slimy!"

"I don't want to touch it!"


Really? (That was me...)

I was surprised.

The Clubhouse Kids are loving getting elbow deep in water beads this week.

They also thoroughly enjoy when we toss paintbrushes and other tools aside and use our fingers to do the painting.

Combine the two though, and the effect was apparently a little much for this crowd.

The classes here at the Clubhouse vary, different kids on different days at different times. One thing is pretty much the same across the board though, they love sensory experiences. From sticking their whole arms into hair gel for our DIY Sensory Bags, to insisting on turning our  puffy paint recipe into a finger paint recipe. There has never been something they deemed too "gross" to touch. Until today.

Here is the final product though, completed by the one who could tolerate the "slime paint"...
It actually dries pretty nicely, leaving behind a textured painting that even sparkles a little. The white would make a pretty good snowy painting, perhaps by December the kids will want to try it again.

I say if you have kiddos that like slimy sensations, and finger painting, go for it!! Here at the Clubhouse, I think we'll make a fresh batch of puffy paint to redeem ourselves ;)

Then again, I bet they all ask to try it again tomorrow...

Ms. Liz