
Clubhouse "Thank You Station"

Our Summer has started off pretty busy, and has given us a lot to be grateful for.
That's a different post though.

I just want to check in on how we're doing with our  
One item on it was that we would write Thank You cards all Summer long,
and so it begins...

 My Clubhouse Kid has access to a wide array of arts & writing materials. Clubhouse shelves are dedicated to everything from paper to glitter and colored pencils to stickers. In order to make the writing of thank you cards a much more deliberate activity, I decided to set up his "Gratitude Writing Center". It contains a stamp set of letters (he loves to stamp out words), writing paper tablet and postcards, envelopes, writing tools (he loves to use pens), scissors, hole puncher and of course, stamps. Since I figured that many of the letters would be distributed locally, the "stamps" are not legitimate U.S. postage stamps. We do have those too though, and will definitely be using them when his letters need to leave the State of Arizona.

Upon the introduction of the writing center, 
we discussed how we could use these materials to write notes to say thank you.
We talked about why it's important to tell people thank you.
We talked about how to spell thank you. 
He practiced stamping the words, one letter at a time.

Then he got to writing. 

 He often asks, 
"How do you spell (insert just about anything here)" .
So we enunciate, sound out letters, put it all together. 
I love when learning happens because he is the one asking the questions.

Today he asked me to help him spell,
"I care about you".
That's when I knew.
He gets it.
When he sits at his new writing center,
which he deemed his "thank you station",
he has a purpose.
An awesome one, if I do say so myself ;)

"If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough."                          -Meister Eckhart

Have you joined us in our Summer of Gratitude?
It's as simple as adding #summerofgratitude when you post a photo on Instagram of something you're grateful for. We love looking through those photos everyday. You can also join us on our Facebook page, check out some amazing posts regarding gratitude on our Summer of Gratitude Pinterest board, and stop by the gratitude link up to see the posts as they come in all Summer long.
Want a free printable of our Summer of Gratitude Bucket List?
Get it here.

So who was his first letter written to?
I would tell you, but then it would spoil the surprise for that person when they find a letter hand delivered to their door.

Did I mention he writes out the entire address on the front of the envelope?

Writing letters and numbers, making words, properly addressing envelopes (because sometimes an e-mail simply isn't good enough)... shall I go on?

Summertime learning in full effect.
He doesn't know that though.
He's on "summer vacation", and just wants to say thank you.

Thank YOU for reading,
Ms. Liz

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