Plus, in the end, we got this:
We started back in March with our Rainbow Scavenger Hunt, which the kids totally loved. I must admit, we are still finding all of the colors of the rainbow hidden throughout the great outdoors. That may be part of the reason this project lasted so long. First, the kids simply just wanted to continue to collect colors. We had baskets in the classroom, one for each color, and for days they just kept adding things to the baskets, sorting through the colors, discussing rainbows.
"Can we work on this more tomorrow?"
"Next time should be orange day!"
Sure. Who I am to argue with Preschoolers who want to take their time?
"This will sure look good in our Mandala!"
On a day they were working on yellow, they decided they wanted to add paper. They spent a good 15 minutes just cutting up scraps of yellow paper to add to the basket.
Every class someone went over to the mandala with a basket of colors and added to a color ring.
Sometimes it was a group working on it together. The baskets and glue were readily available, so they became very independent with this entire activity.
"We gotta make sure all the colors get filled up."
That's how I watched the rainbow mandala grow over time. It simply became part of the classroom.
Then I noticed something this past week.
Today, it happened.
*Cue the choir*...
They had reached the inner circle!
Seeing as how they had such little space left, they now rushed through to get it done.
They worked meticulously finishing up the last colors, filling in little white spaces they found in the other colors. Finally, I heard it...
"Ms. Liz, we DID it!"
"It's a Mandalaaaaa!!!"
"We got every color!"
They high fived. They hooted. They reminisced over their hard work.
"Remember when I put that Orange dinosaur on there?"
So there you have it. The Fit Kids Clubhouse Rainbow Mandala. Once it is completely dried it will make it's way to the wall. In the meantime, the Clubhouse Kids noticed we have a lot of colors left in our baskets.
"Can we make another one?"
Sure, why not? I'm thinking it will be done around the 4th of July ;)
Ms. Liz
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