(because the dishwasher was full),
the laundry was piled in baskets
(because the washer was full with that load I need to wash again),
and it was nearing the end of one of those long days where you never stop doing,
yet nothing feels like it got done.
I breathe deeply, and remember this is the Summer of Gratitude.
I am grateful that I have a dishwasher, a sink, running water.
I am grateful I have a washing machine, clothes,
healthy boys that get those clothes dirty.
I am grateful I am able to do,
and I am grateful that although it doesn't feel like it,
things did get done.
Breathe again, time to dig in and do more.
Then he walks in and says,
"Momma, did you see the sky? It's so ORANGE."
Yes buddy, the Sun is setting.
"Can I catch it?"
Sure, just go look out of the window.
He grins,
"No Mom, I mean if I chase it... can I catch it?"